Groundwater Supply Development Services
Remote Desk Study
A desk study will develop a conceptual understanding and establish an indication of the water supply potential. A good desk study will enable the design of a site work programme, identify the need for a geophysical survey and where appropriate, the preparation of the borehole drilling specifications and contract.
Field Survey and Intrusive Investigation
A field survey might be carried out to provide further information to improve the desk study conclusions. Intrusive investigation (e.g. pilot boreholes) may or may not be required and will often be carried out in tandem with the drilling works.
Borehole drilling, installation and pump testing
Hydrogeologists should be engaged throughout the borehole drilling and construction process. They should support the preparation of the technical specifications of the contract and supervise the drilling of the borehole.
When supervising the construction phase of the project the groundwater expert performs two key functions: Hydrogeological data collection and overseeing the drilling contractor.
Pump testing is critical and is required to characterise the aquifer response, confirm the sustainable borehole supply potential, assess potential impacts on water features and other water users and to select the pump specification.
The pumping test design (duration, discharge rate etc.) will be dependent on the risks associated with the planned supply and quantity of water required.