Village Water Supply

Case studies

Village Water Supply

Cameroon 2014
Water Survey
I don't think we would have been able to implement the project properly without the help of Groundwater Relief. Through their input we have removed the need to use drilling rigs which will save many thousands of pounds for every borehole/well and pump installed. As such the service Groundwater Relief provided has been fantastic value for money, and absolutely essential to the successful implementation of this years project and future water-based projects in our project area. Cameroon Catalyst Team

Groundwater Relief were asked by Southampton University's Cameroon Catalyst to support them with a water supply project in Cameroon, supplying 3 villages with water.

Groundwater Relief sent two volunteer hydrogeologists, one from Cameroon and one from the UK, to support the Cameroon Catalyst team through reviewing water supply options and advising on the best steps forward to develop a sustainable groundwater source for the village communities.